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Chat Log for UT3_by_pfc-clan.de - vCTF-ShoeBox4Necro_b4
on Tue, 10. Oct 2023 at 18:32:40
Minutes Player Text
0.00 Spielbeginn
0.00 gambit Team Change to Red Team
0.07 Matrix Killed Slain with a Nemisis
0.18 Raptor Killed Akasha with a Rocket Launcher
0.18 Grail Killed Raptor with a Rocket Launcher
0.19 Monarch Killed Grail with a Nemisis
0.23 Rook Killed Ariel with a Rocket Launcher
0.27 Alanna Killed Monarch with a Scorpion
0.27 Matrix Killed Cassidy with a Nemisis
0.31 Raptor Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
0.35 Matrix Killed Slain with a Stinger Minigun
0.44 Alanna Killed Metridia with a Scorpion
0.44 Monarch Killed Alanna with a Rocket Launcher
0.45 Cathode Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
0.45 Cathode Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
0.55 Harbinger Killed Cassidy with a Rocket Launcher
0.56 Talan Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
0.64 Metridia Killed Grail with a Viper
0.68 Metridia Killed Rook with a Ran Over
0.68 Matrix Killed Cassidy with a Viper
0.70 Talan Killed Thannis with a Flak Cannon
0.73 Matrix Killed Talan with a Ran Over
0.77 Matrix Killed Slain with a Viper
0.84 Ariel Killed Akasha with a Scorpion
0.87 Matrix Killed Cathode with a Rocket Launcher
0.92 Rook Killed Ariel with a Vehicle Explosion
0.98 Grail Killed Raptor with a Rocket Launcher
0.99 Ariel Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
1.03 gambit Killed Monarch with a Rocket Launcher
1.06 Rook Killed Talan with a Rocket Launcher
1.07 Metridia Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
1.13 Matrix Killed Cassidy with a Nemisis
1.15 Cathode Killed Grail with a Rocket Launcher
1.20 Matrix Killed Slain with a Vehicle Explosion
1.20 Monarch Killed Alanna with a Rocket Launcher
1.21 Ariel Killed Rook with a Rocket Launcher
1.21 Ariel Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
1.24 Red Team Captured Flag!
1.28 Harbinger Killed Monarch with a Flak Cannon
1.29 Thannis Killed Cathode with a Flak Cannon
1.32 Cassidy Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
1.38 Slain Killed Alanna with a Rocket Launcher
1.38 Alanna Killed Slain with a Rocket Launcher
1.42 Ariel Killed Thannis with a Viper
1.43 Matrix Killed Talan with a Nemisis
1.46 Akasha Killed Cassidy with a Flak Cannon
1.54 Monarch Killed Akasha with a Rocket Launcher
1.55 Harbinger Killed Monarch with a Rocket Launcher
1.55 Harbinger Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
1.56 Cathode Killed Grail with a Rocket Launcher
1.63 Matrix Killed Slain with a Nemisis
1.64 Akasha Killed Metridia with a Rocket Launcher
1.74 Alanna Killed Raptor with a Rocket Launcher
1.78 Cathode Killed Alanna with a Stinger Minigun
1.78 Matrix Killed Ariel with a Nemisis
1.79 Talan Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
1.84 Cassidy Killed Thannis with a Nemisis
1.96 Matrix Killed Cathode with a Nemisis
1.98 Cassidy Killed Harbinger with a Nemisis
1.98 Cassidy Killed Matrix with a Nemisis
2.00 Talan Killed Rook with a Rocket Launcher
2.02 Ariel Killed Grail with a Rocket Launcher
2.11 Matrix Killed Cassidy with a Stinger Minigun
2.12 Matrix Killed Metridia with a Stinger Minigun
2.14 Rook Killed Slain with a Rocket Launcher
2.15 Harbinger Killed Talan with a Rocket Launcher
2.19 Red Team Captured Flag!
2.19 Harbinger Killed Cathode with a Rocket Launcher
2.26 Grail Killed Raptor with a Rocket Launcher
2.27 Akasha Killed Ariel with a Rocket Launcher
2.31 Metridia Killed Harbinger with a Viper
2.34 Metridia Killed Grail with a Ran Over
2.34 Grail Killed Metridia with a Rocket Launcher
2.38 Ariel Killed Thannis with a Rocket Launcher
2.40 Harbinger Killed Cassidy with a Viper
2.43 Harbinger Killed Cathode with a Viper
2.47 Monarch Killed Akasha with a Rocket Launcher
2.48 Cathode Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
2.48 Harbinger Killed Talan with a Viper
2.54 Ariel Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
2.55 Harbinger Killed Monarch with a Ran Over
2.69 Grail Killed Cassidy with a Nemisis
2.69 Ariel Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
2.77 Matrix Killed Ariel with a Stinger Minigun
2.79 Rook Killed Raptor with a Rocket Launcher
2.80 Akasha Killed Slain with a Rocket Launcher
2.81 Cassidy Killed Thannis with a Viper
2.81 Grail Killed Cathode with a Nemisis
2.82 Cassidy Killed Alanna with a Ran Over
2.88 Talan Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
2.90 Slain Killed Grail with a Nemisis
2.91 Harbinger Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
2.94 Alanna Killed Monarch with a Rocket Launcher
2.99 Alanna Killed Cassidy with a Rocket Launcher
3.00 Grail Killed Ariel with a Scorpion
3.14 Ariel Killed Alanna with a Rocket Launcher
3.14 Metridia Killed Thannis with a Rocket Launcher
3.15 Cathode Killed Rook with a Rocket Launcher
3.19 Metridia Killed gambit with a Rocket Launcher
3.19 Matrix Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
3.21 Matrix Killed Slain with a Rocket Launcher
3.25 Monarch Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
3.27 Cathode Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
3.27 Matrix Killed Metridia with a Rocket Launcher
3.27 Matrix Killed Talan with a Rocket Launcher
3.29 Raptor Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
3.29 Grail Killed Monarch with a Scorpion
3.30 Grail Killed Raptor with a Ran Over
3.33 Akasha Killed Cassidy with a Rocket Launcher
3.33 Akasha Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
3.41 Metridia Killed Grail with a Rocket Launcher
3.44 Matrix Killed Ariel with a Rocket Launcher
3.46 Slain Killed Alanna with a Rocket Launcher
3.51 Cathode Killed Thannis with a Rocket Launcher
3.51 Thannis Killed Cathode with a Rocket Launcher
3.58 Red Team Captured Flag!
3.62 Metridia Killed Alanna with a Rocket Launcher
3.69 Slain Killed Rook with a Rocket Launcher
3.73 Matrix Killed Metridia with a Nemisis
3.76 Cassidy Killed Alanna with a Stinger Minigun
3.76 Ariel Killed Thannis with a Viper
3.77 Alanna Killed Raptor with a Rocket Launcher
3.82 Ariel Killed Matrix with a Viper
3.84 Cathode Killed Grail with a Rocket Launcher
3.88 Metridia Killed Akasha with a Nemisis
3.91 Metridia Killed Matrix with a Nemisis
3.93 Akasha Killed Ariel with a Rocket Launcher
3.97 Slain Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
3.98 Ariel Killed Harbinger with a Vehicle Explosion
4.01 Matrix Killed Talan with a Flak Cannon
4.02 Metridia Killed Alanna with a Rocket Launcher
4.06 Cassidy Suicided with a Flak Cannon
4.10 Talan Killed Grail with a Rocket Launcher
4.10 Talan Killed Thannis with a Rocket Launcher
4.11 Monarch Killed Akasha with a Stinger Minigun
4.11 Matrix Killed Monarch with a Rocket Launcher
4.17 Talan Killed Matrix with a Flak Cannon
4.35 Matrix Killed Ariel with a Rocket Launcher
4.42 gambit Killed Metridia with a Rocket Launcher
4.46 gambit Killed Raptor with a Rocket Launcher
4.47 gambit Killed Slain with a Rocket Launcher
4.47 Talan Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
4.51 Akasha Killed Monarch with a Rocket Launcher
4.52 gambit Killed Cassidy with a Rocket Launcher
4.52 gambit Killed Cathode with a Rocket Launcher
4.54 Ariel Killed Grail with a Rocket Launcher
4.54 Ariel Killed Akasha with a Rocket Launcher
4.54 Akasha Killed Ariel with a Rocket Launcher
4.60 Monarch Killed Alanna with a Rocket Launcher
4.61 Red Team Captured Flag!
4.67 Ariel Killed Rook with a Viper
4.74 Metridia Suicided
4.75 Matrix Killed Cassidy with a Ran Over
4.78 Talan Killed Alanna with a Rocket Launcher
4.78 Talan Killed Thannis with a Rocket Launcher
4.78 Talan Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
4.82 Monarch Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
4.84 Ariel Killed Grail with a Viper
4.91 Monarch Killed Alanna with a Rocket Launcher
4.92 Alanna Killed Monarch with a Rocket Launcher
4.93 Monarch Killed Akasha with a Rocket Launcher
5.01 Matrix Killed Ariel with a Nemisis
5.04 Metridia Killed Rook with an Avril
5.11 Harbinger Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
5.14 Cathode Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
5.19 Ariel Killed Alanna with a Vehicle Explosion
5.19 Ariel Killed Grail with a Rocket Launcher
5.25 Matrix Killed Metridia with a Nemisis
5.28 Harbinger Killed Talan with a Link Gun
5.36 Grail Killed Slain with a Rocket Launcher
5.37 Akasha Killed Monarch with a Rocket Launcher
5.48 Cassidy Killed Thannis with a Rocket Launcher
5.53 Alanna Killed Cassidy with a Ran Over
5.61 Matrix Killed Slain with a Nemisis
5.62 Alanna Killed Raptor with a Ran Over
5.62 Alanna Killed Talan with a Ran Over
5.65 Matrix Killed Ariel with a Nemisis
5.66 Alanna Killed Cassidy with a Ran Over
5.69 Cassidy Killed Thannis with a Rocket Launcher
5.70 Red Team Captured Flag!
5.71 Akasha Suicided with a Flak Cannon
5.75 Raptor Killed Alanna with a Rocket Launcher
5.77 Slain Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
5.89 Harbinger Killed Monarch with a Scorpion
5.93 Raptor Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
5.94 gambit Killed Talan with a Rocket Launcher
5.95 Slain Killed Rook with a Rocket Launcher
5.97 Harbinger Killed Raptor with a Scorpion
6.01 Alanna Killed Slain with a Flak Cannon
6.11 Harbinger Suicided with a Pancaked
6.13 Rook Killed Metridia with a Rocket Launcher
6.15 Cathode Killed Grail with a Stinger Minigun
6.26 Akasha Killed Ariel with a Flak Cannon
6.30 Matrix Killed Cassidy with a Flak Cannon
6.31 Monarch Killed Rook with a Rocket Launcher
6.31 Rook Killed Monarch with a Rocket Launcher
6.39 Cassidy Killed Grail with a Nemisis
6.42 Talan Killed Alanna with a Sniper Rifle
6.42 Cathode Killed Thannis with a Link Gun
6.47 Talan Killed Akasha with a Sniper Rifle
6.48 Matrix Killed Slain with a Viper
6.48 Matrix Killed Cathode with a Viper
6.52 Ariel Killed Rook with a Viper
6.54 Talan Died from an UTDmgType_XRay
6.54 Harbinger Killed Raptor with a Nemisis
6.54 Harbinger Killed Cathode with a Nemisis
6.65 Talan Killed Rook with a Rocket Launcher
6.65 Cassidy Killed Harbinger with a Nemisis
6.73 Harbinger Killed Metridia with a Rocket Launcher
6.73 Cassidy Killed Thannis with a Nemisis
6.73 Talan Killed Alanna with a Rocket Launcher
6.74 Ariel Killed Matrix with a Viper
6.75 Harbinger Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
6.82 Alanna Killed Ariel with a Rocket Launcher
6.84 Rook Killed Talan with a Rocket Launcher
6.85 Cassidy Killed Rook with a Nemisis
6.88 Akasha Killed Cassidy with a Rocket Launcher
6.99 Harbinger Killed Cathode with a Rocket Launcher
7.03 Alanna Killed Slain with a Rocket Launcher
7.05 Talan Killed Thannis with a Rocket Launcher
7.06 Red Team Captured Flag!
7.07 Cassidy Killed Rook with a Rocket Launcher
7.09 Ariel Killed Harbinger with a Flak Cannon
7.11 Raptor Killed Akasha with a Rocket Launcher
7.11 Raptor Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
7.15 Akasha Killed Metridia with a Shock Rifle
7.23 Grail Killed Ariel with a Ran Over
7.27 Alanna Killed Cassidy with a Rocket Launcher
7.28 Cathode Killed Rook with a Rocket Launcher
7.31 Alanna Killed Talan with a Flak Cannon
7.33 Grail Killed Metridia with a Ran Over
7.34 gambit Killed Slain with a Stinger Minigun
7.36 Grail Killed Cathode with a Ran Over
7.36 Ariel Killed Akasha with a Rocket Launcher
7.45 Cassidy Killed gambit with a Nemisis
7.51 Matrix Killed Metridia with a Stinger Minigun
7.52 Cassidy Killed Matrix with a Ran Over
7.57 Talan Killed Grail with a Rocket Launcher
7.58 Harbinger Killed Talan with a Viper
7.59 Cassidy Killed Thannis with a Ran Over
7.63 Ariel Killed Alanna with a Viper
7.65 Ariel Killed Rook with a Viper
7.65 Alanna Killed Talan with a Rocket Launcher
7.68 Ariel Killed Harbinger with a Viper
7.68 Cassidy Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
7.71 Harbinger Killed Cathode with a Rocket Launcher
7.71 Harbinger Killed Metridia with a Rocket Launcher
7.72 Ariel Killed Alanna with a Viper
7.75 Monarch Killed Grail with a Scorpion
7.79 Ariel Killed Matrix with a Viper
7.81 Alanna Killed Ariel with a Rocket Launcher
7.82 Alanna Suicided with a Ran Over
7.84 Thannis Killed Monarch with a Stinger Minigun
7.85 Raptor Killed Rook with a Rocket Launcher
7.85 Cathode Killed Thannis with a Rocket Launcher
7.88 Metridia Killed Rook with a Rocket Launcher
7.93 Grail Killed Talan with a Rocket Launcher
7.96 Grail Killed Cathode with a Rocket Launcher
7.97 Cathode Killed Grail with a Rocket Launcher
8.00 Raptor Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
8.04 Rook Killed Slain with a Rocket Launcher
8.04 Thannis Killed Monarch with a Rocket Launcher
8.10 gambit Killed Ariel with a Rocket Launcher
8.23 gambit Killed Raptor with a Rocket Launcher
8.23 Slain Killed Alanna with a Nemisis
8.26 Akasha Killed Metridia with a Shock Rifle
8.29 Cassidy Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
8.29 Matrix Killed Cassidy with a Rocket Launcher
8.33 Cathode Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
8.37 Slain Killed Matrix with a Nemisis
8.41 Metridia Killed Rook with a Rocket Launcher
8.41 Thannis Killed Cassidy with a Rocket Launcher
8.42 Thannis Killed Ariel with a Rocket Launcher
8.43 Thannis Killed Cathode with a Vehicle Explosion
8.43 Thannis Killed Talan with a Rocket Launcher
8.43 Thannis Killed Monarch with a Rocket Launcher
8.43 Raptor Killed Thannis with a Rocket Launcher
8.45 Metridia Killed Akasha with a Rocket Launcher
8.51 Thannis Killed Slain with a Rocket Launcher
8.52 Raptor Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
8.56 Red Team Captured Flag!
8.56 Spiel endete - Team Score Limit
741.82 Metridia Team Change to Blue Team
741.82 Ariel Team Change to Blue Team
741.82 Matrix Team Change to Red Team
741.82 Cathode Team Change to Blue Team
741.82 Rook Team Change to Red Team
741.82 Cassidy Team Change to Blue Team
741.82 Harbinger Team Change to Red Team
741.82 Monarch Team Change to Blue Team
741.82 Thannis Team Change to Red Team
741.82 Slain Team Change to Blue Team
741.82 Alanna Team Change to Red Team
741.82 Raptor Team Change to Blue Team
741.82 Akasha Team Change to Red Team
741.82 Talan Team Change to Blue Team
741.82 Grail Team Change to Red Team

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